gichin funakoshi
Style: Shorei Ryu, Shorin Ryu, Shotokan Karate
Born 11/10/1868 - Died 04/26/1957 (Age 88)

Click on the scan to enlarge the cover

Cover onlyCover / Articles


Dragon Times Newspaper

Vol 3

Chojun Miyagi & Gichin Funakoshi

1993 Dragon Times Newspaper

November 1984

Shotokan Karate

Num 1

Gichin Funakoshi

11/84 Shotokan Karate

November 1997

Shotokan Karate

Num 53

Gichin Funakoshi

11/97 Shotokan Karate

Magazines for sale are original and complete (unless otherwise noted).

Disclaimer: The scans of the magazine covers may not be the ones for sale.